Sparinvest now launches the fixed-income maturity fund High Yield Value Bonds Short Duration 2017, which invests in high yield corporate bonds with short 


At Sparinvest, our responsible investment approach is built on our conviction that environmental, social and governance opportunities and risks can have a major impact on long-term returns, and that it is therefore an essential part of our duty to clients to consider ESG issues in our investment processes.

Dear Shareholder, SPARINVEST SICAV Société d’investissement à capital variable -société anonyme Registered office: 2, Place de Metz, L-1930 LUXEMBOURG R.C.S. Luxembourg: B 83.976 (the “Company”) NOTICE TO SHAREHOLDERS OF THE SUB-FUND . SPARINVEST SICAV – ETHICAL HIGH YIELD VALUE BONDS . Luxembourg, 7 March 2018 .


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Sparinvest har siden 2001 med stor succes tilbudt afdelinger, hvor obligationer og aktier mikses, og det har resulteret i flere internationale priser. Alene i 2013 har Sparinvest Procedo modtaget den anerkendte Lipper Fund Award i kategorien ”Blandede – Høj Risiko” i Holland, Schweiz og Østrig. Sparinvest is proud to be among the prestigious Lipper Award winners in 2019. The Lipper Fund Awards have for more than three decades honoured fund management firms, which have provided consistently strong risk-adjusted performance relative to their peers. 07.02.2019. Sparinvest was founded as the first mutual fund in Denmark in 1968 and since then Sparinvest has evolved into an international asset management company. Today Sparinvest has a total capital of approximately DKK 90 billion and provides long-term investment products in 14 European countries.

Sparinvest Under Krystallen 1 1780 København V Tlf 36 34 75 00 Fax 36 34 75 99 E-mail Web

Fondnamn: Sparinvest SICAV- Value Bonds- Global Ethical High Yield EUR R (pdf) Fondnummer: 441477. Fondbolag: Sparinvest S.A. Performance charts for Sparinvest Value Aktier Fund (SPIVA) including intraday, historical and comparison charts, technical analysis and trend lines. Sparinvest SICAV – navneændringer En række navneændringer af afdelinger under Sparinvest SICAV gennemføres i børsens systemer med virkning fra den 10. april 2017.

Investeringsforeningen Sparinvest – navneændringer En række afdelinger under Investeringsforeningen Sparinvest vil med virkning fra den 8. januar 2018 ændre navn i børsens systemer, da afdelingerne vil blive markedsført under foreningens binavn ”Investeringsforeningen Sparindex”. Ændringerne fremgår …

Handla fritt utan rådgivare. Sparinvest Property Investors, fastighetsverksamheten tillhörande den danska kapitalförvaltaren Sparinvest, tar in 317 miljoner euro till sin senaste globala fond.

Sparinvest S.A. 28, Boulevard Royal L-2449 Luxembourg Phone +352 26 27 47 1 Fax +352 26 27 47 99 e-mail Web Founded in 1968 in Denmark, and with pan-European operations in Luxembourg since 2001, Sparinvest is an international asset manager, owned by a broad range of Danish institutional shareholders who support the group’s independence and prudent investment strategy. Sparinvest INDEX DJSI World KL. Actions. Add to watchlist; Add to portfolio; Price (DKK) 180.70; Today's Change 1.03 / 0.57%; 1 Year change +26.63%; Data delayed at least 15 minutes, as of Apr 08 2021. Sparinvest INDEX Globale Akt Min Risiko KL. Actions. Add to watchlist; Add to portfolio; Price (DKK) 138.79; Today's Change 1.26 / 0.91%; 1 Year change +15.75%; … Founded in 1968 in Denmark, and with pan-European operations in Luxembourg since 2001, Sparinvest is an international asset manager, owned by a broad range of Danish institutional shareholders who Sparinvest kan nu tilbyde sine kunder en ny Sparinvest-fond – Sparinvest Bæredygtige Aktier, som er den første svanemærkede fond i Sparinvests historie. 2019-03-14 Sparinvest S.A. is a UCITS IV management company, authorized by the Luxembourgish Financial Supervisory Authority, CSSF. Sparinvest S.A. handles the administration of the Luxembourg-domiciled UCITS and AIF funds.
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Sparinvest udbyder i dag langsigtede investeringsprodukter i 14 europæiske lande. Dragsholm Sparekasse rådgiver om investeringsforeningsbeviser hos Sparinvest og det er vurderet, at alle afdelinger under Sparinvest generelt er egnede til Sparekassens kunder. De mest efterspurgte afdelinger i Sparinvest vises nedenfor: Mix Lav Risiko; Mix

Dear Shareholder, SPARINVEST SICAV Société d’investissement à capital variable -société anonyme Registered office: 2, Place de Metz, L-1930 LUXEMBOURG R.C.S. Luxembourg: B 83.976 (the “Company”) NOTICE TO SHAREHOLDERS OF THE SUB-FUND . SPARINVEST SICAV – ETHICAL HIGH YIELD VALUE BONDS . Luxembourg, 7 March 2018 . Dear Shareholder, Investeringsforeningen Sparinvest – navneændringer En række afdelinger under Investeringsforeningen Sparinvest vil med virkning fra den 8. januar 2018 ændre navn i børsens systemer, da afdelingerne vil blive markedsført under foreningens binavn ”Investeringsforeningen Sparindex”. Ændringerne fremgår … The New Prospectus Regime On 21 July 2019, the new EU Prospectus Regulation, along with the new Luxembourg Prospectus Act, fully entered into force.

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Sparinvest har beslutat att genomföra en sammanläggning av fonderna Sparinvest Emerging Markets Corporate Value Bonds och Sparinvest Emerging Markets Corporates. Det innebär att Sparinvest Emerging Markets Corporate Value Bonds kommer att gå upp i Sparinvest Emerging Markets Corporates och därefter inte finnas kvar. Sparinvest-koncernen har siden 2001 med stor succes kunne tilbyde danske investorer en række forskellige indeksafdelinger, som til forskel fra afdelinger i aktivt forvaltede investeringsforeninger følger udviklingen i udvalgte markedsindeks. Fondnamn: Sparinvest SICAV Value Bonds Emerging Markets Corporates SEK R (pdf) Fondnummer: 405648 Fondbolag: Sparinvest S.A. Kategori: Räntefonder - Tillväxtmarknad ränta Fondavgift: 0,42%.

All conditions have now been met, and closing of the transaction has been completed. Sparinvest S.A. 28, Boulevard Royal L-2449 Luxembourg Phone +352 26 27 47 1 Fax +352 26 27 47 99 e-mail Web Founded in 1968 in Denmark, and with pan-European operations in Luxembourg since 2001, Sparinvest is an international asset manager, owned by a broad range of Danish institutional shareholders who All information om Sparinvest SICAV Global Et HY SEK R H: Innehav, utveckling, risk och betyg. Jämför över 1200 fonder hos Nordnet.